Zankyou no terror mask
Zankyou no terror mask

zankyou no terror mask

This ended when the American government found out about it.

#Zankyou no terror mask series

Government Conspiracy: The Japanese government was involved in a series of experimentation on Japanese orphans.Foreshadowing: "You should've sacrificed your queen.".She later does another one on the TMPD prisoner convoy in order to conduct a "blacker than black" op. False Flag Operation: Five engineers one by orchestrating a terror attack at Haneda Airport to blame Sphinx for the casualties."Eureka!" Moment: Shibazaki solves Sphinx's riddle in episode 3 thanks to his coworker's video game.Dramatic Unmask: Nine removes his mask at the end of the pre-recorded video message at the end of Episode 10 after announcing that the atomic bomb is set to explode at 10 PM, revealing his face to the world.Nine dropping a smoke bomb in the subway in episode 5 brings to mind the Aum Shinrikyo cult's sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995.The ruins that result from the first attack also heavily resemble that of the World Trade Center during its immediate aftermath.The names of the Villain Protagonists, 9 and 12, may be another, albeit flimsy, reference to 9/11.The cover poster is two towers spewing smoke and flames, just in case you were wondering what theme the show's about.This is an anime about terrorism, but Yuuki Ozaki's voice is somehow just so soothing. Dissonant Serenity: Out-of-universe example with the opening theme, Trigger.In the process, the building is evacuated before the second explosion. Disaster Dominoes: The thermite bomb Kururi dolls trigger the fire alarms, the water from which triggers an even stronger explosion.Delivery Guy Infiltration: Nine plants a bomb in a police station under the guise of a food delivery.Twelve: I'm Number Two, and I love explosions! So far, progress has been made with Tokyo being the first city to have electricity back, while the conspirators of the Athena Plan are arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Also, Japan most likely has to rebuild after having their entire country lose access to all electricity-based technology for a while.

zankyou no terror mask

Lisa also lives and moves on with her life. Bittersweet Ending: Nine and Twelve both die, but they manage to reveal the truth about their past to the world through Shibazaki.Bilingual Bonus: The song von, which plays during the Ferris Wheel scene, makes sense if you know Icelandic.Batman Gambit: Sphinx's bombing plots rely on predicting how people and public services will act after various diversions or threats, usually with the result being that no one is killed.The Bad Guy Wins: The Villain Protagonist duo accomplish their objective, and also set off a nuclear weapon over Japan.

zankyou no terror mask

Even Nine and Twelve die in the last one. Anyone Can Die: The final episodes feature a lot of this.Anti-Villain: Nine and Twelve seems to be this as part of their agenda.All According to Plan: Said by Nine during Sphinx's first plot.The show had a stage play that went from March 2-6, 2016 with Megumi Han and Mitsuaki Kanuka retained as Five and Mukasa.

Zankyou no terror mask