Kindle for mac app
Kindle for mac app

It also includes a simple search field (works in real time, throughout your entire library.) On top of the main window, you can see the device name (the way it will appear in your Amazon account in the Registered Kindle Reading Apps list.) The top bar allows you to set the sorting criteria (by Recently viewed, by Title or by Author) and the viewing mode for the library content (icon or list).

kindle for mac app

Initially, your e-books are grouped into downloaded and archived items, and, if you use an Amazon account, you may also arrange them by collections (a drag and drop will do the trick).

kindle for mac app

Kindle for Mac is styling a simple, somber and very efficient interface: the main window is displaying your Library’s categories on the left and the content of each subdivision on the right.

Kindle for mac app mac os x#

On the other hand, the app comes with the Mac OS X look and feel and an “easy on the eyes” design that differentiates it from other e-book readers. Kindle for Mac does not deliver very complex features and, if you are familiar with the portable device, there are no surprises for you. Managing your Library’s content is rather intuitive, but the real fun begins when you discover the reading area: full screen support, 3 color modes (black, white and sepia), and, among others, text and brightness controls. Kindle for Mac will automatically detect all the titles included in your library and a double click on the e-book's cover will quickly download it to your computer. Kindle for Mac follows the same line: just make sure you know your Amazon account’s credentials and you can read away in a matter of minutes. With all the Kindle reading applications for different platforms provided by Amazon, purchasing an actual Kindle device is not a necessity anymore. Kindle for Mac allows you to continue your reading on your desktop computer without missing a beat.

kindle for mac app

Thanks to Amazon’s Whispersync technology, you can read the same e-book on multiple devices, without worrying about details such as bookmarks or the furthest page read.

Kindle for mac app